Friday, April 13, 2012

This is My Family

 One thing I am learning is really how beautiful the body of Christ is! In the past couple of weeks I've been learning that sometimes you will feel like your standing in a plastic world. And then there are those moments that you can simply just be where you are! I have definitely been reminded this week what it's like in some aspect to stand on the outside of the Cross. It's easy to catch ourselves into the mindset that the Cross couldn't have been for me and who would want me? However, day by day my Father keeps saying" I love you and are you listening?" I can very much relate to that, especially in the passage of John 14 where  Jesus was talking to Philip.
Jesus spoke these words, " Don't you know me Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, Show us the Father?" For some reason  it's hard to imagine that someone would actually give something up for us when we don't return any thing; even a praise!  I can't tell you how many times I have choose to sit there. I have many times felt like the child sitting in the background asking , " Do you see me?  or Do I even matter?". It's still a constant battle but  even last night walking away  from the service, I could hear my Father saying , " Yes, maybe some relationships are not perfect or they don't make sense but look among yourself" I very much needed those words and this is why I have chosen to show you my family!
I know this photos odd because I choose not to smile but however, sometimes this is reality that were not always one the ones smiling but our families will still stand there even when we rather run away telling ourselves that we're alone! So, say hello to  my family @ Cumberland's:

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