Saturday, May 25, 2013

Generational Wisdom

 It has been a few days since I've been able to sit down and right but today I would like to introduce my readers to a man that is very dear to my heart. He is my grandpa and he's more than grandpa to me. My grandpa has been with me from the time I entered the world to know.  In fact , it's almost like my grandpa plays two roles because my parents separated when I was a little girl. My grandpa has taught me a lot through out this season and beyond. He's a man that knows how to enjoy life.
    He doesn't rush life at all. In fact one thing he constantly tells me is , " Don't get in a hurry." I think we could all take note on that in this busy world that we live in. However, one thing I'll always remember are the word's he's spoken to me a while back:

" Work was here  when we got here and will be here after leave."

Such a simple statement but such truth.  Also my grandpa has shown me is better to be slow to anger  when choosing your battles. It doesn't do any good to be frustrated over  yesterdays' problems. Such simple notes if only will apply them. I know many of you don't know this man. He's not famous or any thing but  it's the sometimes when we meet the ordinary that we find the extraordinary. May we find that today upon each face. And may we remember to be the audience and not just the story teller. There is a lot of wisdom to soak up around us.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

As I take in my surroundings. I realize I am only but 24 and God's already given me some of my desires.  I may not be married to any one on earth but I am  married to the Great I Am. And I don't have to wait to be a mother.  The children God puts in  my life are not my biological children but I have many scattered from camp to  cities of NYC. This prob sounds strange to some but I love the fact God let's me use my god given desires to love on children without any attachment. To me, these children are a part of me. And it is my joy to love on the children who may not know what love is. I think so often of my weeks at camp. I get  to take these children in for a week and  even during my week  last summer at Iglesia Baptista  I get to call these children my children for a week.
This perhaps sounds strange but when you get to be apart of the Bride of Christ, there are words that can't be explained! There are moments I long  for my desires to be answered but it's when I stop to look I can say God's been meeting them and will continue! It is a daily choice rather or not I choose to embrace these moments just as any. I've also had the joy in this season to love on some youth. And for what little time I get I count myself blessed! This doesn't mean that my life always makes sense but I learn to accept the good that the Father has in store for me and will continue ! I also get to be a sister! The Father allows me to have many roles and I am honored to play! I don't always  claim  them  but  when I stop to look I realize  God has been walking with me all along! It is a daily task to  embrace but  I am glad  my heart doesn't have to wait to live! I get to live now! So, to the children the Father's  put in my path I say I love you and to the children God has let me yet to meet, I expect our journey will be even greater!