Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fight For Those Who Need To Know It's Not OVER!

 Today there are millions disappearing on Facebook in the honor of the 27 Million who have been in bondage to slavery.   And today I want to challenge others to take a stand! Perhaps your thinking this can't be true. Well let me tell you the story of  Arjun who is 9. Arjun lives in India. At the age of 5 he and his parents we're forced to  to work as slaves laboring over bricks. His owner wasn't too kind to him and would beat him along with the other slaves. And what little money was made they had to give to the owner to pay debt. However, rescue did come! A rescue team was able to work their way through to rescue to them. However it hasn't ended and we need others to take a stand so teams like International Justice Mission can get in.

I know gave you the short story of  Arjun but  I wanted to share this story to encourage you that 27 Million are not just numbers. These numbers are people. There are also several sources that can inform you about the 27 Million. Here is a list below:

  • - International Justice Missions
  • - Love 146
  • - Scarlet Hope ( Local in Kentucky)
  • - End It Movement
These are not the only organizations but the fact is now we're aware what are we going to do about it.

Here are 3 ways we can step up:
  • Pray 
  • Give
  • Go
 It's time to be a voice for those who feel like they can't fight any more! And  I'm challenging my friends and others to step up by simply going to:

 There are other ways to give as well but International Board has asked us to campaign with them. And I'm asking you to become aware and to not ignore the broken. After all Christ didn't ignore us in our brokenness.

 And perhaps when you look at Arjun below you'll think of the 27 Million

                                          ( Meet Arjun- Yes this is his face but He is a person!)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Blake The Brake

 Today I would like to introduce you to my beloved friend Blake or as many of us know him as , " Blake the Brake." In fact just being around him you can't help but smile because his laughter will steal your heart. However, whenever you looked at him, you could tell that he was simply just enjoying life! And little did I know the impact Blake would have on me because on the day our team was telling the story of the ( Little Boy with His 5 Fish and 2 loaves  John 6), Blake gave me his basket that the children we're making to remember the story.
And just yesterday I happen to stumble upon it, which was a beautiful surprise! Especially because I had been so frazzled lately thinking:

  • Lord, where will I find a job?
  • Am I making the right choices?
  •  What about my school loans?
  • What do you want Lord?
Have you been there? Well that is where I have been as I mentioned friends but God brought me back to this moment and reminded me if He can multiply the fish and loaves, is He really that limited? And yet it's so easy to limit God in our minds.
This summer for me was definitely a summer like no other because not only do I think about Blake but I remember raising funds just so I could go be apart of 1:8 and the Father multiplied it again! And yet when our emotions are heightened it is so easy to forget  the God we serve! So maybe your like me and you need this sweet little reminder today. And who knows your reminder may come from precious child like Blake!

 * Blake in the red shirt :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How Will You Impact?

 * One of my goals on my blog has been to share poems and creativity but to also use this as encouragement for others. This is written by my good friend Ezra Anderson. One of his gifts is rapping. I asked him if I could share in hopes others will realize God has gifted them too but to think also how they could use their gifts the Father has given them to impact. So with this in mind, How will you impact?

Back at it,
like a crack addict,
Thing is see i was an addict,
So addicted to this sin,
Since birth I've been living in,
Follow my lust and giving in,
Young and lost,
but i acted like a boss,
when mad i fought
i would hit'em in the face
try to put'em in they place
cause i wanted first place
in life with fame,
get a girl spit game
never wanna be a lame
i beat myself and got stronger
so i could lift more longer
Action's got more wronger
that's until i got some morals
on the outside i was florals
yet my insides were still horrible!
my heart was hard and vile
I was dead, a zombie smile
feed my flesh, live for a awhile
until that junior year,
then it all started to look clear,
deeper look at my life i leered
and in one direction i steered,
i was selfish,
as in helpless
i was tired
spirit dead
i had no doctor
was not
would not prosper
so when my friend Jaime!
invited me to church!
my curiosity perched!
picked up and inside i lurked
saw i wasn't to young to live the life,
Romans be a living sacrifice,
life's about more than just doing right!
inside see i had a whole
so when my friend Jaime!
invited me to church!
my curiosity perched!
picked up and inside i lurked
saw i wasn't to young to live the life,
Romans be a living sacrifice,
life's about more than just doing right!
inside see i had a whole
filled with a temporary mold
called acting, and track n field
Olympian that's what i feel
famous Hollywood actor
only way id be a factor
but long story short it was all for me
then i gave it all to Jesus see
so much better than a chain piece
use my talents for his glory
Sacrifice he did it for me
Spread the Gospel Jesus Story
and BTW I'm never turning back
talking about the way i use to act
Mind and heart on a new track!
Romans in the Bible go and read that
but that doesn't mean i don't make mistakes
yet no condemnation in Christ all Grace! (Romans 8:1)
A short testimony:
The people tagged in this note are all close to me
i want you to know i don't write this to show off or condemn but to say in this life we live it will all soon perish,
and that while it happens your never alone God is pursuing you chasing you so...which way are you running

If God Delivered Us From Our Sin, Will He not do More?

 This morning I woke up at 5AM which to be honest isn't my idea of time getting up in the morning but this morning God awoke me to challenge me with some thoughts.  And to be honest I needed what He shared with me because two of my weaknesses that tend to go hand in hand is worry and control. It's especially hard because I want all things to be good and I don't often like being in the spaces unknown or the spaces where it's painful. I'm sure many of you can relate. However, the Father challenged me with this question this morning:

"If I couldn't save myself, will God not  take care of the impossible?" And that my friend is a heavy thought. It pushed me to think  about Christ dying on the Cross which by all means was the impossible made into possible.  And if I know this to be true then, "  Doesn't it mean God can still work out the possible?" It's a funny thought if you ask me. You would think believing that someone who died on the cross would be harder to believe than accepting the little things are in His hand to such as our jobs, relationships, finances and etc.

However, so often our brokenness slips in. I know that's where I struggle especially stepping out of college but this morning the Father used Isaiah 66:9 to speak to me

9 "Will I bring a baby to the point of birth and not deliver [it]?" says the Lord; "or will I who deliver, close [the womb]?" says your God. 
 That one really hit me because something like the birth of a baby is also pure evidence God can deliver beauty. After all labor is painful but what comes from the labor is beautiful! Think about it! That cute baby that we all awe.. over  came from pain but when the child was birthed there was a simply " Wow! moment"  
Those are the simple God moments that we forget or what about when you fall down. The scrape is not pretty at first but God takes it and heals it. And where the scrape was, the skin is made new. Or what about weeds in a garden. Not pretty at all but once the Gardner goes to work, we're able to see the beauty.
This  is how God is but yet we tend to put chains on Him thinking our circumstances are impossible. I have to tell you friends this was definitely a thump on my head because I so forget that  God did the impossible on the Cross and He'll continue it forth still.
Ephesians 3
   . 20 Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think-according to the power that works in you- 21 to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen


Monday, February 18, 2013

What Will You Reimagine?

This weekend I went on a grand adventure of what many of us call D-Now. Our theme for the weekend was Re Imagine. And our group was challenged with this question:

" If you could change any thing and knew it wouldn't fail, what would you do?"

The question really challenged me and made me thing none the less. As I thought about this morning I would re imagine innocence being restored. I'm not just talking about sexually with purity. I'm also talking about children who have been rejected or even grown up with out parents. I  connect to that one very much because these are the shoes I have carried. I imagine one day the pain of not having a earthly Father being there. And before I go any further I want to share my with you my prospective.

I want others to know Father's are important and divorces leave scars for a long time. And even though I'm 23 there are moments I stand thinking that my earthy father won't be there. In fact there have been those Father's Day's where I was jealsous , angry and sad. At the same time all the adjustments that have had to take place. I'm not going to lie it was hard growing up seeing unhealthy relationships.
And by no means do I mean this as a bash statement but it's a chain I want to break in my generation. Also  for me  I have had the difficulty of my mother being engaged to a guy that's been in my life since my teens. I'm not by any means trying to down any one but I want to wake others up that the decisions that come don't just impact you.
However, for me it's beyond that because when I was a teen I wasn't sure how to respond to men. I had my awkward moments and especially when I got into college because I did end up dating one guy in high school. And I wasn't going to but what that left me in was that men couldn't be trusted because he was the second guy who had hurt me. I'll also shoot real here I didn't know any thing about having a healthy relationship.  I ended up giving myself away emotionally and it really didnt' help the guy or I. So, in a short note this is what I want to see restored is that innocence is returned and children are children without being forced to grow up with divided hearts and  girls'  along with boys are able to see God has such a higher plan. I share this story because I believe that when we're able to be in the shoes that we're able to advocate. I'm not saying it's  only way but I have to believe there are others who walk this path and need to know innocence can be restored and the Father can reverse the pain into beauty. I also realize many of  you have heard this story before or you know someone but what I'm asking you is will you help Re imagine?
I'm not just talking about my circumstances I'm talking about others too . You don't have to travel to another state to see the wounds. The time is now but what will you do?
And  I know for me even though my family is not perfect that  God still has a plan. Especially because He reminded me in Psalm 66:9 beauty can be born out of pain. And I know that sounds crazy but look at the Cross. The Cross was painful but God used it and  the  beauty of it was His love. At the same time  others need to know their past doesn't have to hold them. I know I do. Especially as I shared with you about my parents divorce. The pain wasn't just in the heart but sometimes acted out. There we're moments I was just angry during my teen years because of this and now that I'm older I am learning how to unblock  but also learning what it means to let God restore. This is never easy but it's a path that many of us have been on. So while I could write more, I believe  the better note would be to ask ourselves, "What will we do? And will you Reimagine?" Or maybe God's given you a deeper passion. I don't know but  I hope that as the Father challenged me that others will be challenged too.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oh How He Love's

Lately I have been doing a lot of blogging about knowing how much the Father loves us but today I was reminded how much He loves me. I'm going to be honest my heart was  a little every where for V-Day but in the mist of my planned mind God was in the middle of something greater. He reminded me today that sometimes we share  with others how much they are loved but He also wants us to know it for ourselves and not just share it.
I feel like that's what the Father was reminding me today that yes we're called to love but stop and just be. I was reminded of that with a simple cup of coffee with my grandpa today. I treasure our friendship because he always soaks in the moment. And I know God put him there to remind me of that.
I also received some beautiful letters from some friends and a butterfly bracelet.I can't remember if I actually shared this in any of my other blogs but butterflies are significant to me. They remind me God is making something new and I'm unique to Him. And when I see one it's like God's saying hello or sending one to remind me of  precious friend who came to say hello. So today I not only want to share but I want to celebrate Thanking the Father who send His love to me today!
I know it might not mean a lot to any one but for me writing has always been a way for me to reflect and worship with the Father!
And I hope when others read my blog that they will be reminded that our life is one big book and because of the Father we get to share community! So with this I am blessed!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

God's Chalk Board

 Just last summer  I experienced a summer like no other. I particpated in a team called 1:8 Leadership. Little did I know that this summer would turn my world upside down. In fact I thought this was a summer  where I would simply do missions but it turned out that God started revealing more of who I  was in him. The funny part was I wanted to go Freshmen year in college but wasn't til my Junior/ Senior year that God opened the door. This happen to be the time I was excited but also unsure what I was saying yes to.
However, what I ended up was a community and learning what it meant to be accepted for who you are.  That is why I want to share this photo with you.
 This moment imparticular was special because it was a time I thought " Lord, I don't fit?" Are you crazy. I'm not athletic at all and everyone around me seems to enjoy sports. How, will I have any thing in common with my team. However,  while I was wondering God was working.  God reminded me this through that conversation I had with my friend Jill while the rest of my team was playing four square.  She pointed to me how a team member of mine Kyle came and drew with me. Jill encouraged me that I do fit and to look how my team was reaching out.
That evening actually ended up being one of the sweetest moments because my team latter on decided to trace people into some funny shapes. I ended up being a butterfly but no one on my team at that time knew how much I loved butterflies.  Talk about God doing His thing!  And I guess your wondering where does this tie into this season.
 I would consider those two months important because God started waking my heart up to the passions I love. I even ended up singing on the praise team which I was pretty definite I wouldn't but some how God used my two brothers Kevin & Jason to get me up there.
And  I even found bonds with the girl's over  and  ended up finding friendships that I will treasure no matter where I go. Therefore, because of this season I found  that  when we're open God moves but if we're still then it' s hard to  grow. We have to be willing to be movable to we may miss  out some precious moments that we wouldn't imagine.
That is why I'm sharing this because  just like in my last blog,  I hope that in this moment you & I will remember God 's desire for us to grow and have confidence in who we are which is what I am constantly learning!

Branches of the Body

 In the last couple of blogs I focused some on  last season but with this one I would like to focus where God has me now. As I shared with you many times UC has been my family for my 4 1/2 years and always will be but with any season there are times God calls us to the next branch. It's not that you forget the other branch but you realize you must walk forward or you'll miss the many seeds that God wants to plant in your life. It has by no means been easy but with this blog I want to celebrate what God has been doing.
 For a while I had been wanted to be in a home church  but never imagined what I would leave behind at UC. Even though I was close to home, I spent most of my time on campus. However, I never expected the changes to come so quickly. I'm  not going to lie I miss the times of sweet campus worship, and I  miss  being with my friends who I consider family but if I stayed I would have missed out on sweet five year old hugs,  listening to stories of youth, and perhaps miss out  what God wants to do next.
This isn't always fun because of most of us we would like to stay where we are but  it's hard to grow if we're not willing for God to prune us to what He desires. At the same time I still miss what I call home. So for those still at UC, my encouragement to you when you are tired of papers remember the community that is around you. That is what I took from UC and so it became my prayer when I knew that I had to come home that I would find it.
 And I have found it in many ways. One of the many ways has been a precious couple named Nolia and Randy. I get to spend time with them in youth and I even get a little bonus =) These we're the 5 year old girls I told you about. I also get to love on some precious youth that I have just started getting to know and can't help but love them!
 I have also found this season to be challenging because the job department hasn't been the easiest  but  God has kept reminding me to look around that He has my back.  Especially last week because He came to me through some random laughter with a friend, unexpected card and  also a friend who I haven't seen in a while. However, the beauty is even though God may send us to different branch of the body, we're always connected.  And so  perhaps in adjusting to but let me encourage you to take heart because  He has us! Even in the storm of our emotions, He is God!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Bond

 One of the hardest spaces I have recently been in is wanting so much to be with my UC family but also wanting to be with my Corbin  family. It is hard to invest in one and your heart not carry part of the other one with you. And it's not that either one is more precious then the other but it is definitely hard to present.  Although last night I experienced such  a sweet worship with my UC family. This occasion was very special! It was the celebration of adoption! It was also a time to bring awareness. My beautiful friends the Atwood's  decided to adopt and this  time was set aside for worship but also a benefit that one sweet baby boy may come home!
In fact we have been waiting for this sweet baby for a while but I believe my beautiful friend the Atwood's could tell you more! So, I won't rob them from their story!
Last night however was definitely a time to  remember God is faithful because though it's been good, it's also been hard to adjust. However, it's also one of those moments that you can't stay where your at forever or you would miss the rest of the story that God has planned for you! That is what I was very much reminded of in many ways as I set in worship. It made me think back to if I had left UC I would have missed being with a beautiful family and meeting others from all over the world.
I wouldn't trade those moments!
However, this very devotions spoke to me and this part glued yesterdays' worship together:

" I will eventually lead you down the mountains, back into community with others. Let my light continue to shine within you as you walk among  people again"

 That's the promise I believe my Father kept last night. I definitely miss my UC family but our time last night was more precious to me because when I was there I was reminded this is where God started showing me my passions and He put people in my life who saw potential! I love  my family God's given me! And  I'm proud to call them my family! I have so many brothers, sisters, a spiritual mother and even a father there. I think they know who they are! However, I can say God won't let you walk alone! You might feel alone but your never alone! And I think when you invest you find why God encourages community & family! So with all this said, don't for get the past or present because they are just another piece that reminds you the Father's there!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reverse the Valentine

 Today I started thinking about  Valentines day coming up. In our culture today couples celebrate couples, little children run around putting little cards in the boxes, family celebrate families and then you have those who believe this day should be called Single Awareness.

However, my question to you today is what if we reversed Valentines day to a new perspective.  What if we found a way love someone who  needs to know what love is about? I'm not talking about your mushy gushy romance. I'm talking about the love that our Father gave us!   There are several ways that you & I could do that.

Here are some ideas:

  1.  Smile at the cashier when you go to Wal-Mart
  2. Tell a friend I love you just because
  3.  Visit someone who is a shut-in
  4.  Give a friend or stranger some encouragement with kind words
  5.  Donate to an organization like :
  6.  Find a local friend that needs some help
  7.  Donate to the Atwood's to  help bring their baby home:
  8.  Pay for someones meal while your in line waiting for your food
  9.  Pray for those who have been rejected

These idea's don't have to be necessarily the answer but why miss the opportunity to show some love to someone who needs it. Also Valentines day  doesn't and should be the only day that we show love but  it also can be so much more!  Hope you'll take the time to be someones Valentine who will them about the Ultimate Valentine Jesus!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Tables Open

 Today I sat across my lovely friend Ashley! We usually talk about many things with our little coffee chats but one thing we talked about is my fear that God couldn't use me over seas or in ministry because of my fear  that may lack emotional stability.  Let me give you a little background on that. Last semester I dealt with a lot of saddness from my grandma's death to  missing my friends who have moved. I also became overwhelmed and burnt out. I  had gotten to a point that I didn't know what to do. So I sought medical help. I decided to try Lexapro but that only drove more fear in me.

However, I took it because I thought I've got nothing to loose. I thought maybe this Dr. that prescribed me to this med could help. There we're moments honestly I thought I couldn't go on. And it was hard because people we're telling me so many things right and left. It wasn't til I claimed Jesus that things started  to change. I knew I had to get off this med. So, I started weaning off. However, hear is the God factor part! In order to get off you are told to wean yourself; which is what I started doing but eventually I got to a  point I would forget to take it. I was also told if you stop it without weaning that you may have side effects. However, that never happened to me!
I'm telling you this is a God thing!  I am sharing this because my circumstances last semester led me to a lot of shame. I would often hide from people  because I couldn't let them see the brokeness that I was going through.

Yet, the truth is that is what Satan wanted. Satan wanted me to think I was too missed up. And yes, I still struggle with my anxiety at times but my friend Ashley remined me today that God usese our brokeness  to connect to people. Our brokeness also allows others to see we're all welcome to the table. So, whatever your  struggled, please know the tables open.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Help Bring the Atwood Baby Home!

Please help my friends Magan N David Atwood bring home their sweet baby boy! You can visit their site as well to find out how you can be apart of it: There are several ways to give! All you to do is to the blog ! Or you can make donations to:
This is a great way to bring love into this little boy's life! Your not just investing now but your investing in his life!
See More

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Story Behind The Cover

 It has been  the first year without my grandma but  what she left me with became much more to me. The last Christmas gift I received was a Bible. I've had Bibles before but this one is extra special. I would like to take time to share the story behind it.
 This Bible already has tons of marks on it but it's significant. I know there are some who may think it's strange but for me decorating my Bible serves as a reminder that God has marked me uniquely.
 The cover of my Bible pretty much tells my story.  I decided to take band-aids to decorate it and a picture of my first mission trip along with a Butterfly.  These band-aids remind me that God is healer and these are the truths. For any one who has heard my story you may already indentify but for those who I haven't I  would like to share a small glimpes.
 Even though I accepted Christ at a young age, I struggled with my identity and worth especially with the  hardship of my parents seperating and a broken heart in high school. And it wasn't till college that healing started taken place even more. That is why this Bible is even more special to me with the markings  and all. It was also a gift to  me in one of my last semesters of college and so when I look back at the band-aids I mentioned it's a reminder of the season where God started showing more of who I was and He has called me to walk in truth.
 And I also have the Butterfly as mentioned on there which reminds me I am free in Christ. I know this may sound like a random blog but I hope that this can serve  as a reminder that this is actually a picture of the gospel because Christ has marked us as His! So perhaps the next time you & I look at our Bible's we will remember we're marked by His blood! And we're love!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Seasonal Moments

 The past few days have been a journey of reflections and  how seasonal God is. It's also been a new adjustment. However, today despite the emotions I have had earlier I have found myself remembering that  God hasn't forgotten me and I should look back at the times I thought I was stepping into the deep without a clue.
 Especially during my four and half years of Cumberland. I remember wanting to transfer. I thought God had lost His mind in His placement. I didn't feel like I fit in at all. I by no means have ever been academic or athletic. However, if I left I would have missed these beautiful faces and the God given moments on campus.
I definitely miss my UC family but I have never regretted my time there , even though it hasn't been too long ago. It was during those four and half years I learned more of who I was. I was reminded I am important. I was blessed to have two loving campus ministers who saw potential in me Dean Whitaker and Magan Atwood.
 They loved me even in the times I felt embarrassed by my brokenness. I also found a community who would stand with me when I was just so tired out. I found friends who would laugh but also pray. I also discovered you are never alone because some how God will cross your path by the unexpected.
I met friends from so many nations and I consider them family.
I know this may mean nothing to no one but I just want to pass it on to the person who may wonder , " Why UC?".
It's funny how a small place can take a big piece of your heart but it's what I consider to be a piece that I will not forget. Even the moments in  the cafe. I know the cafe can be lacking at times lol but it never lacks in conversation. And grant it  you may even find yourself in places like Archer where heat isn't your friend but it's where I made some of my best friends.
Those moments are so dear and I love my family at UC. For those of you still at UC ,  I just want you to know you are at time in your life that can make huge imprints.  I have also learned that  even in seasons where  you think you can't pray more that He'll send you extra knee pads. Or even a friend down the hall. I could never count the God given moments but   I don't want to over look the season and  I pray this for those still there.