Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Bond

 One of the hardest spaces I have recently been in is wanting so much to be with my UC family but also wanting to be with my Corbin  family. It is hard to invest in one and your heart not carry part of the other one with you. And it's not that either one is more precious then the other but it is definitely hard to present.  Although last night I experienced such  a sweet worship with my UC family. This occasion was very special! It was the celebration of adoption! It was also a time to bring awareness. My beautiful friends the Atwood's  decided to adopt and this  time was set aside for worship but also a benefit that one sweet baby boy may come home!
In fact we have been waiting for this sweet baby for a while but I believe my beautiful friend the Atwood's could tell you more! So, I won't rob them from their story!
Last night however was definitely a time to  remember God is faithful because though it's been good, it's also been hard to adjust. However, it's also one of those moments that you can't stay where your at forever or you would miss the rest of the story that God has planned for you! That is what I was very much reminded of in many ways as I set in worship. It made me think back to if I had left UC I would have missed being with a beautiful family and meeting others from all over the world.
I wouldn't trade those moments!
However, this very devotions spoke to me and this part glued yesterdays' worship together:

" I will eventually lead you down the mountains, back into community with others. Let my light continue to shine within you as you walk among  people again"

 That's the promise I believe my Father kept last night. I definitely miss my UC family but our time last night was more precious to me because when I was there I was reminded this is where God started showing me my passions and He put people in my life who saw potential! I love  my family God's given me! And  I'm proud to call them my family! I have so many brothers, sisters, a spiritual mother and even a father there. I think they know who they are! However, I can say God won't let you walk alone! You might feel alone but your never alone! And I think when you invest you find why God encourages community & family! So with all this said, don't for get the past or present because they are just another piece that reminds you the Father's there!

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