Thursday, April 19, 2012

Do You know Your Alive?

" Do you know your alive?"~ I know this sounds weird but think about it!  I mean think about it because right now your able to sit, breath, see and hear! Perhaps maybe not all of these things but I'm sure you can connect to one of them! This was one I was so reminded of yesterday on my birthday! I don't know about you but I tend to forget these things when I go into futuristic mode because so often my brains rattling about the next day. However, the Lord reminded me yesterday to focus on the moments that I'm given during this day! Also, the fact alone I was birthed should be a blessing! I mean I wasn't aborted or did I die because of some illness! I came out healthy and I 've grew up pretty healthy!
I know  these are common things but common things are often where were reminded of where our deepest joy comes from!
 I mean there has to be some purpose because why else would we be alive! You just don't create something unless you think they  have purpose! This is what I'm learning in my relationship with God! I'm learning what it means to be renewed in gospel! I know it may seem for those of us who have heard it our whole lives that we understand God died but sometimes there are wave lenghts where we need to be refreshed that Jesus died for us! And not just our neighbor down the road! Sure we can tell every person down the road along with letting those sweet words roll off our lips but they mean nothing unless were living it!  This is  still mind boggling for me but as I think about this I believe we all go through butterfly stages. Sometimes were the catipillar crawling along  and munching on all those leaves because were trying to sort out what beauty is or life in that matter. Then there are those still moments were in the cacoon just standing because it is the only place we know. However, it never fails  on God's perfect timing that you & I become new!
 And in honesty I'm still chewing all this in! However, I'm learning the more I allow my maker to come in then I'm able fly with the wings He so desires for me to bold in!  May you find this truth as well!

 And perhaps as I leave with this image , may you be reminded of His blood! I know it looks weird but  this is what I saw today a butterfly as a bride covered by His blood! Still soaking it up! However, thankful for God's constant work!

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