Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Unusual Score Keeper

 Humans can be one of the most disgusting creatures.  In fact were good when it comes to slinging mud at others or on ourselves. You would think that stage left us as a child but were still the child that goes around putting their finger prints on the walls no matter what our parents may have told us. In fact as a little girl I can remember coloring on my bed room walls. This didn't go over well by the way. I can't remember exactly what happend but I remember the disapproval. No, child likes to feel the look of disappointment. In fact this one still doesn't go away. I was reminded of it this morning as I realized I had dye on the bathroom door. I didn't have to second guess what would come after it. However, the second guess can stop us from seeing the hope.
It's so easy in our everyday life to focus on the guilt, defeat or what seems out of reach. I draw to this one often especially becaus some how in my finate mind I forget it's God who can do any thing He wants. I'm not in control. I don't get to be the score keeper saying, "3 Strikes your out". No, God is an unusual Score keeper. He doesn't keep a tally mark thinking well lets see what this child did today. He some how choose to pick us up and clean us saying get back into the game! I have yet to figure that one out but some how as I was putting this paste over the door I realized this is how God is! He smooths us out!
It may not look smooth to us but He works it out somehow to us it for His glory!

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