Friday, February 8, 2013

Reverse the Valentine

 Today I started thinking about  Valentines day coming up. In our culture today couples celebrate couples, little children run around putting little cards in the boxes, family celebrate families and then you have those who believe this day should be called Single Awareness.

However, my question to you today is what if we reversed Valentines day to a new perspective.  What if we found a way love someone who  needs to know what love is about? I'm not talking about your mushy gushy romance. I'm talking about the love that our Father gave us!   There are several ways that you & I could do that.

Here are some ideas:

  1.  Smile at the cashier when you go to Wal-Mart
  2. Tell a friend I love you just because
  3.  Visit someone who is a shut-in
  4.  Give a friend or stranger some encouragement with kind words
  5.  Donate to an organization like :
  6.  Find a local friend that needs some help
  7.  Donate to the Atwood's to  help bring their baby home:
  8.  Pay for someones meal while your in line waiting for your food
  9.  Pray for those who have been rejected

These idea's don't have to be necessarily the answer but why miss the opportunity to show some love to someone who needs it. Also Valentines day  doesn't and should be the only day that we show love but  it also can be so much more!  Hope you'll take the time to be someones Valentine who will them about the Ultimate Valentine Jesus!

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