And yet, the funny part is it's easy to go around asking others about Jesus but He's telling us straight forward in the very source the Bible! I'm not saying it's bad to ask but it's easy to forget that there is no other way to understand Jesus then the one who understands Himself!
The same way with people. You and I could go around asking questions about people but the only way to really know someone is to spend time with them! That's what God's been teaching me lately! I'm beginning to learn that my desires are not by accident. They are not meant to shame us! The desires were created within us! However, I want to state I'm not talking about the sinful nature! I'm talking about the wholesome good ones that were planted!
Yes, we were born into sin but our Father wants to give us life! This is the truth I needed so desperately spoken into my life! For a while and even today as mentioned in my blogs I've been letting negativity in my life. And this is very hypocritical of me because if I'm saying My God is good; I must believe He made and is making good things in me!
It's true I'm not good on my own but the matter is you don't die for something unless you think there is worth! And you don't spend time with them either if you don't think something is worth it! That's something My Father has been showing me through Spiritual Mama Magan! I think it's easy sometimes to look ourselves hating to even spend time with ourselves. Therefore we come to the conclusion that no one wants to spend time with us but that's a lie from Hell! I'm not saying I've mastered all this but I'm becoming aware that life really does matter! It's not just a saying but it's truth! And it's the truth many of us need! I don't know where you are in life but this is my life story and if God can use it! Then I'm willing because I don't own any thing! Thank You for coming along with me! Fly with Christ!

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