Saturday, September 22, 2012

6 Quadrants of Struggle Extended

 A  couple of days ago I posted a blog called the " 6 Quadrants of Struggle" but I want to further this with you.   I know for me the last couple of days I've needed to un-box some stuff as I mentioned but the question how to do this can be challenging. Therefore before pairing up with scripture. One must  identify the lie. This is something I'm still learning to put into practice. And for me I was able to do that today I realized in the transitions that have been taken place in my life from my grandma's death, sisters engagement-marriage, direction and missing some current friends that a lot this has been a cry for knowing I'm safe.  And so what what I want to do here is list the lies that I have dealt with:

  • Your Alone
  • You'll never measure up
  • Your a failure
  • Your not mature
Those are just a few but I want to share these because I know I have been in the shoes wanting to hear I'm not the only want that struggles. That's so important to hear I find because so often our worlds screaming advice. However,  when someone shares it equals vulnerability and with that I've learned that  it can also be a gift because  it allows us to be real with one another. This is something that we don't have often in our culture. So, for me it's been learning the balance of sharing but with this tool that's been passed to me I want to pass to you.
I also as mentioned in my previous blog want to remind us both God also understands our need for fellowship. He never intended for us to be alone and so may this blog touch someone and  may God help us continue to un-box.

  Never Forgets
Psalm 9:10
Psalm 115:12-13
Psalm  118:8
Psalm 115:11
Psalm 116:10
Psalm 78:7
 1 Corinthians 1:9
Proverbs 4:4
Psalm 118:5-7
 Psalm 73:28
Psalm 116:1
Jonah 2:2
1 John 5:14-15
Psalm 116:6
Isaiah 33:2
Psalm 100:3
Psalm 91:14-16
1 Samuel 2:9
 2 Corinthians 5:1
Psalm 116:16
Hebrews 10:22
Romans 3:24
Romans 4:7
Isaiah 37:20
Romans 8
Proverbs 16:11
Hebrews 13:21
Romans 1:6
Psalm 139
Ephesians 2:10
2 Corinthians 5:13
 Daniel 2:20-23
Psalm 32:8
Proverbs 4:11, 22-22
Psalm 55:2
1 Peter 5:7
Philippians 4:6
Matthew 6:25-34
Exodus 15:13
Isaiah 14:1
Psalm 136:13-14
2 Timothy 2:9

Friday, September 21, 2012

Have You Ever Wanted A Physical Touch From God?

 Have you ever wanted to feel God physically?  I mean you know God's there but you simply need a touch. I have been there many of times and particularly in this season of my life. From so many questions but I will be real with you that there are days I'm reading His word and I wonder what it might have been like to have Jesus physically on this earth. It's not abnormal to think this way. I think in our minds we think that those who have great faith can't have such thoughts. However, as I mentioned yesterday or previous that even Paul who was before us recognized his flesh was weak.

And that's a hard place to go because I can remember just growing up along with when I accepted Him but as I have gotten older I've seen that there are times in my walk that the doubting Thomas comes up. It's not a proud moment of mine but I believe God knew He would have a few of those since He included Thomas in the Bible. However, I want to state that it doesn't make our faith less because Christ never promised perfection on this earth but He did promise to be lift us up. (Psalm 118)

Therefore because of that I believe because He understood Thomas's needed to touch him that he understands ours. I know particularly yesterday I was just to a point where there we're lies that have triggered my mind. However, before I go into that part I want to share a brief thought that links to this point. In fact  even though I shared with you that I found that silence had a lot of power that night for me at the rally, I also want to mention that it wasn't easy.

I felt trapped in that seat but that was because I was listening to Satan. I thought if I got up out of my seat that someone would judge me. I couldn't escape the crowd. I had so many things running through my mind. It was  a challenge to be present but at the same time I learned when you feel like you can't move that it's even more of a time to really pray. However, have no doubts God sees you which is what I have to keep reminding myself of with Psalm 115.

I so need that because as I mentioned that was just then but the next day I still was thinking after being triggered God I've got to touch you some how. If I could just feel a hug. And somehow beyond the  war of my mind and heart, God heard it. He brought two precious friends into my path that day to remind me that He was here. It doesn't mean they are God but  God choose to reflect His love through them. So, in my long note this morning I share both because we need prayer and we need the arms of Christ.

So, if you wondered has any one thought this before, I'm here to tell you I am that one. May God bless!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

6 Quadrants of Struggle

From last Spring this has been a journey for me but now because I have some tools in my hand. I'm starting to identify where my struggles lie. This morning I decided to start what I would call my 6 Quadrants of Struggle. I also starting getting more of an awareness of often I live in my heart and in my mind. Most of the time it's not a healthy space unless I'm pulling into God's heart. In Romans 7 Paul talks about  our waging war and it is oh so true the more I examine my heart. This what Romans 7 says:

21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

 It so powerful when you really read it! Especially knowing that our Lord delivers us! So as I started to make this applicable. I decided to take a walk in the 6 Quadrants of my Struggles which I am fixing to share with you:

  1.   Never Forgets
  2.  Trust
  3.  Afraid
  4.  Heard
  5.  Protected
  6.  Freedom
 Those are the areas that I really struggle realizing that there are truths to God in this. Especially the first one that mentions " Never Forgets." I can't tell you how often  I have been asking the Lord to remind me that He sees me when no one esle does.  So needed but what I hope to leave you all with with a tool as well.
Perhaps your like me and you need to list out those 6 struggles. After you have listed yours out then pair them up with scripture. That's what I started doing this morning. So for me it looks like this.

  1.  Never Forgets  -Psalm 9:10, Psalm 115:12-13
  2.  Trust - Psalm 118:8, Psalm 115: 11
  3. Afraid- Psalm 118:5-7
  4. Heart-116:1
  5. Protects- Psalm 116:6
  6. Freedom - Psalm 116:16
This doesn't have to be the absolute answer but it's one tool I'm discovering that is ever so important Scripture, Scripture , Scripture! Rather you post it on your mirror or carry it with you! So powerful! We so often forget that we hold the sword! And so I hope with this note of life that God may share with truth with you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Power of Silence

 Tonight was such a heart check for me. I had the chance to attend a  rally for youth  with 1st Priority.I went with intentions thinking that God might put a conversation in my path but I believe God sent me there beyond that to really hear Him. As I set with many emotions which I'm still trying to piece together I walked away realizing that sometimes silence is the presence God's asking. Silence doesn't always seem or feel present but what I'm learning it's just as present as any other out reach. I am becoming aware that sometimes as a human being it's easy to think I've got to be on action but silence is also action too.
 Sometimes it's the silence that just allows us to really reflect on hearing more than talking. I am also becoming aware that  God can also use silence for prayer even more so because  we have set aside to just be. In our culture today that sounds strange because we're busy but what I've realized again knowing who I am and my purpose is really understanding what 2 Timothy 1:9 indicates that I am called. I still have a lot to unfold but tonight I felt like just writing out what I've learned here but also that  God might use my life to encourage others. I know that's big part of my heart and that's what I hope to do beyond my circumstances. So, may this  simple message bless our hearts that God may speak!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Plow

This weekend I had a precious opportunity filled with many emotions but blessings as well. I had the opportunity today to work a 5 K race. I by no means can  or could relate in the athletic department but I was able to watch a father push his daughter as he ran the race.  God used that very moment to remind me of the verses I had read earlier this week:

 Luke 9:61-62

 Still another said, " I will follow you, Lord but first let me go back and say good bye to my family."
Jesus replied,  " No one who puts a hand to the plow looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God"

Seeing the father push his daughter really put this into perspective for me because if the father had looked back then he may have missed the goal. Also  it was another picture of how he was right behind his daughter guiding her a long.  That is the picture of what our Heavenly Father desires to be to push us a long so that we would run straight but also know He is there to guide us. And that has been the picture I've really needed to see. So, what I am walking away with today is knowing , " If I will seek Him then in truth I will walk straight." By no means is that easy to grasp but it's a snap shot of life that  I know I needed to take in! May we take this and learn what it means more!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Cost To Follow

The Cost to follow is often much more then we tend to want to offer. When our world seems clear we're all about God and we have our praise Jesus clapping on the side. However, when our mountains  gets rocky it can be a whole different story. This is what I've examined in my life especially because I thought about  the last few days how would God want me to share. I had even started a new blog called , "Life of a Single Lady" but in the past few days I have discovered that it's a much deeper root for me. This root is called comparison. I don't know about you but when my life doesn't feel like it should be where it is I imagine that I am so behind. I have every desire to be what God has called me to be but there are times I put myself to the side thinking , " God , why don't you let so and so do the job." or " God are you just up in Heaven with a bowl  just rolling the the dice thinking, lets see where April lands today."
I know those thoughts sound outrageous because none of us would ever want to claim those thoughts but to deny them is far worst because if your like me you want to play the avoid game. And this is where God has had to draw my attention back realizing that  Following has a cost. I have especially come to learn this through Ruth and James. Especially Ruth. If your familiar with Ruth we know that Ruth gave up her family to be with Naomi.
And that's something I overlooked many times when reading Ruth. I just thought " Wow!" Ruth is amazing lady but somehow I was missing the big picture. The big picture being Following often means we're going to have to give up something. It could be any where from our pride or to things that we love. That's a hard piece to soak in because at age of 23 I had to allow this to be food for thought because I have no idea what's  after I graduate from UC in December. It's diffcult because from the time of my youth I thought about all the things I would love to and have dreamed about but never thought about the path.
For some odd reason I never allowed myself to encounter the thought that ( Following) doesn't just  inquire cost but encounters change. So, as I share today I just want to leave us with this:

Psalm 9:10
  * The promise of  the Lord never forsakes those who seek  Him